What is Utility Management Certification?
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The Utility Management Certification (UMC) is the first credential to acknowledge an operator’s expertise in managing a water or wastewater utility. The UMC has become a standard for recognizing management expertise and advancement potential.
Utility employees have used the UMC as a way to advance from field work into management. The certification has also become an important tool for water professionals seeking promotions and raises, since the certification recognizes experiences and accomplishments that may not be obvious to non-water professionals serving on boards and councils.
UMC continues to grow daily, influencing the future of the water and wastewater industry while recognizing outstanding achievements in Utility Management. As the workforce shortage continues to magnify, competition and higher salary levels will follow. Your UMC designation establishes your credentials as the best of the best!
Users must log in or create an account before gaining access to training programs in WaterPro Academy.
Learners must complete a UMC application to determine if they are eligible to enroll in the UMC. Applicants are given points for levels of the following criteria:
- Education
- Experience at a water/wastewater utility
- Certifications
- Licenses
- Previous training
Each applicant must receive a minimum of 100 points in order to be eligible to enroll in the UMC.
The roadmap below shows the journey Water Professionals must complete to obtain their Utility Management Certification. To enroll, you must meet the eligibility requirements listed in the course dashboard. Once you enroll and the first exam is passed, you will receive a certificate of completion. In three years, you will be eligible for renewal through WaterPro Academy.
If you need more information or have questions, please email training@waterproacademy.org.
Utility Management Certification (UMC) is a program run through the National Rural Water Association (NRWA). The content on this page was written by the NRWA and posted here with approval. The Rural Water Association of Utah (RWAU) is a member of the NRWA, and highly recommends UMC to all RWAU members.